Focus on Communication in the Hiring Process to Recruit Strong Candidates

In today’s candidate-strong market, it is more important than ever for a company to streamline its hiring process and present an offer to desirable candidates in a timely manner. However, that is not always possible. Sometimes the size of the company, the complexity of the position or the availability of hiring managers can mean the hiring process lasts for several weeks—or longer. In cases like this, the best way to keep candidates interested in and enthusiastic about the opportunity is to prepare them for the estimated timeline and keep an open line of communication throughout the entire hiring process.

Set Clear Expectations


At the very beginning of the hiring process, have a clear plan for how long the hiring process will take. If a candidate knows from the beginning that they can expect updates at predetermined dates and times, they are more likely to handle extended wait times with more patience and less frustration. For particularly motivated candidates, companies may even be able to request an agreement that states the candidate will not interview with other companies until the hiring team has reached a decision. An informed candidate is a happy candidate.

No News Is NOT Good News


No matter what the reasons are for staying quiet during the hiring process, the reality is that no one assumes the best from silence. By failing to follow up with a candidate 24 to 48 hours after a conversation, the candidate may think the company is not interested in their candidacy. The candidate might move on to new interviews or simply become frustrated from the lack of information. 

Either way, the chances of successfully hiring an enthusiastic new employee have plummeted. Stay in "courting" mode throughout the process and continually remind candidates of the company’s interest. At a minimum, be in touch with all prospective candidates on a weekly basis to keep them up to date on hiring decisions and other relevant information.

Be A Team Player


Whether the company is working with a third-party recruiter or an internal talent acquisition team, its lack of communication during this critical period can put the middleman in an awkward position. If a recruiter is required to continually reassure a candidate of interest on the company’s part, it is only a matter of time before trust unravels. The goal is for hiring managers, recruiters and candidates to work as a team, and when one team member is not pulling his or her weight, it puts strain on everyone else. When trust erodes, there is very little chance of earning it back by the time an offer is extended. Even if the candidate accepts an offer, there’s a risk starting off on the wrong foot.

Competition Is Fierce


In this construction market, it is unlikely that a single company is the only one interested in a strong candidate. When a company puts off making a decision, it increases the chances that someone else is going to pursue or even submit an offer to the candidate. This can undermine any offer the company decides to extend and it may need to increase the starting salary or improve the benefits package to stay competitive. Staying in regular contact with the candidate can help prevent them from window shopping with other firms before an offer is submitted. 

Keeping an open line of communication is a simple way to ensure the hiring process goes as smoothly as possible—even when the process needs to take longer than either party would prefer.

The more a company communicates its interest and progress to the candidate, the better its chances are of hiring an enthusiastic employee at a price that fits the budget.
HiringAlan MacNair